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  F-22 LİGHTNİNG 3 simülasyonu için sözlük

Sık kullanılan pilot terimleri ve savaş uçakları terminolojisi


AAA- Uçaksavar bataryası "tripıl ey" diye telaffuz edilir Anti-Aircraft Artillery. Pronounced “triple-A,“ this term refers to antiaircraft guns.

AAM- Havadan havaya füzeler Air-to-Air Missile. A missile designed to be fired from an airplane, with the intention of hitting another airplane.

AB- Hava üssü Non-US Air Base.

ACM- Hava muharebe manevrası Air Combat Maneuvers. The basic movement techniques of air fighting.

ADA- Hava savunma birliği Air Defense Artillery. Ground units that operate AAA.

AFB- Hava kuvvetleri üssü Air Force Base. A base inside the United States. An air base in a foreign country is termed an AB-Air Base.

AFTERBURNER- Motorun egzos çıkışına direk yakıt püskürterek motor performansını iki katına çıkaran (yakıt tüketimini de) sistem A device for pumping raw fuel directly into the engine exhaust, dramatically increasing both engine power and

fuel consumption.

AGL- yer seviyesinden yükseklik. Above Ground Level. One way to measure altitude, in units from the surface of the earth directly below.

AGM- Havadan yere füze Air-to-Ground Missile. A missile fired from an aircraft at a target on the ground.

AIM- Hava önleme füzesi Air Intercept Missile. The type prefix for U.S. air-to-air missiles, such as AIM-9 and AIM-120.

AIRSPEED- Hava hızı-uçağın içinde bulunduğu ortam havasına göre hızı The velocity of the plane in relation to the surrounding air.

ALTIMETER- basınç farkı esasına göre yükseklik ölçen cihaz An instrument that measures altitude by monitoring differences in air pressure.

AMRAAM- geliştirilmiş orta menzilli havadan havaya füze Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile. The AIM-120 AMRAAM uses Active Radar Homing (ARH), so it is a “fire and

forget“ missile.

ANGELS- her bin feetlik yükseklik Thousands of feet. “Angels 10“ equals 10,000 feet.

ANTI-RADIATION MISSILE- radyasyona yönelen füze. A missile that locks onto radio frequency radiation, such as the HARM.

AOA- hücüm açısı Angle of Attack. The angle between the aircraft’s wings’ mean chord line and the relative wind.

APG-77- F-22 nin radarı Multimode radar system on the F-22.

ARMSTRONG- silahlar ateşe hazır Weapons are armed.

ASL- deniz seviyesinden yükseklik-rakım Above Sea Level. Another way to measure altitude, in units above sea level. Sometimes referred to as MSL (Measured from Sea Level).

Aspect angle- görüş  açısı, bir uçağın uçuş doğrultusu ile hedefi arasındaki açı The angle between the flight path of an attacking aircraft and that of its target.
ATO- hava  görev sıralaması Air Tasking Order. A schedule of what targets are to be hit, who is to hit them, and with what.

AUTOPILOT- uçağın programlanan irtifa ve istikamette gitmesini ağlayan düzenek -otopilot Flight control system feature, allowing the computer to fly the plane toward the next programmed Steerpoint.

AVIONICS- uçak göstergeleri Electronic gear aboard an aircraft. Specifically refers to devices that help fly or navigate the aircraft.

AWACS- havadan erken uyarı ve kontrol sistemi Airborne Warning and Control System. A powerful and sophisticated suite of radars and communications gear carried aboard an

aircraft. An AWACS aircraft controls air combat operations over a wide area.

BANDIT-kesin olarak düşman olduğu kanıtlanmış uçak An aircraft positively identified as an enemy.

BANK- uçağın sağa veya sola yatışı Rolling your aircraft to the left or right such that your lift vector is not vertical.

BARCAP- hava önleme devriyesi Barrier Combat Air Patrol. Combat aircraft positioned to act as a barrier against enemy aircraft passing through or past a given area.

BDA- bomba hasarı raporu Bomb Damage Assessment. A post-strike report on the damage caused to a particular target.

BEAMING-çaprazdan gelen uçak An aircraft crossing your path perpendicularly is said to be beaming.

BEAR- Rus Tu-95 bombardıman uçağının NATO kodu NATO code name for the Russian Tu-95 turboprop bomber.

BEARING- uçağın uçuş istikameti Relative direction, in degrees. The front of the aircraft is always 0 degrees, so a target bearing 270 degrees is directly to the left.

BFM- temel uçuş manevraları Basic Flight Maneuvers. The standard air maneuvers that every pilot should know.

BINGO- sadece üsse dönmeye yetecek kadar olan yakıt miktarı An aircraft with only enough fuel to return to base is at bingo fuel.

BITCHIN’ BETTY- uçak bilgisayarındaki sesli ikazları yapan kadın sesi Pilot slang for the female voice of the onboard computer.

BLACKJACK- Rus Tu-160 supersonik bombardıman uçağının NATO kodu NATO code name for the Russian Tu-160 lar high speed low altitude bomber.

BLACKOUT- göz kararması- aşırı G kuvetine maruz kalma sonucu beynin kanla beslenememesi Loss of vision due to high positive-G forces. Blood draining from the eyeballs causes this condition.

BLIP- tanımlanmış cisimi gösteren radar görüntüsü An image on the radar screen annotating a detected object.

BOGEY- kimliği kesin belirlenmemiş uçak An aircraft whose identity has not yet been positively established.

BULL’S EYE- Müttefik uçaklarca seyir ve referans amaçlı kullanılmak üzere  yapılmış harita A bull’s eye is an arbitrary predetermined map coordinate used as a navigational point of reference by friendly forces.

BUSTER- art yakıcılar Slang term for the afterburner, or for using it.

BVR- görüş alanı dışı Beyond Visual Range. A target that is too far away to be seen with the naked eye. Also refers to missiles designed to engage such targets.

CALLSIGN-çağrı kodu A code name given to a particular fighter pilot for reasons of identification.

CANS- after burner Another slang term for the afterburners.

CAP- Hava savaş devriyesi Combat Air Patrol. A defensive flight over a particular location.

CAS- yakın hava desteği Close Air Support. The practice of using aircraft to attack enemy ground forces in conjunction with friendly troops.

C3I- komuta kontrol haberleşme Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence. The basic functions of battlefield management.

CHAFF- Uçaklardan atılan, radar güdümlü füzeleri saptıran ince metal teller Metallic strips dropped from a fighter that can interfere with missile radar signals.

CHECK FIRE- ateşi kes Cease firing, or don’t fire.

CLOSURE- yaklaşma Rate at which two objects are approaching one another.

COALER- An-72 deniz devriye uçağının NATO kodu NATO code name for the An-72P maritime patrol aircraft.

COLD- geri çekilme ricat Retreating. A bandit is cold if it is leaving the combat zone.

COMMS- iletişim Communications.

CONTRAILS- Yüksek hızlarda uçağın ani manevra yapması sonucu kanat uçlarında beliren su buharı izleri Vapor trails generated from an aircraft during high G maneuvers.

CORNER VELOCITY- ideal dönüş hızı Minimum speed necessary to pull the maximum rated Gs of an aircraft.

COSSACK- AN-225 Rus cargo uçağının NATO kodu NATO code name for the mammoth An-225 cargo plane, the world’s largest aircraft.

CSAR- muharebe arama kurtarma Combat Search and Rescue. The process of locating and recovering downed pilots in a combat zone.


DEAD-RECKONING- kör uçuş To navigate without the assistance of instruments.

DEATH DOT- ölüm noktası The small aiming mark in the center of a target reticule. Also referred to as the “pipper“.

DITCH-suya iniş To put an airplane down in the water. Alternately, to eject, especially over water.

DRY THRUST- kuru güç, artyakıcıları kullanamdan elde edilen güç The power of an aircraft’s engines, without afterburner. Measured in units of weight, as in “15,000 pounds of thrust.“


ECM- elektronik karşı önlem Electronic Counter Measures. Electronic means of interfering with an enemy radar or radio transmission. Jamming is a form of ECM.
EGRESS- saldırı sonrası ilgili sahadan çekilmeTo exit. The route an aircraft takes out of the area after striking a target.

ENGAGE- düşmana karşı hava savaş manevralarına başlamak Begin Air Combat Maneuvers against the enemy.

ENVELOPE- etkili füze menzili Effective range and positioning of aircraft or missiles.


FALCON- F-16 nın lakabı Designation for the F-16. Sometimes referred to as the Fighting Falcon or the Viper.

FANTAN- Çin yapımı av-bombardıman uçağının NATO kodu NATO code name for a Chinese-built fighter-bomber.

FEBA- ön cephe Forward Edge of the Battle Area. Modern term for “the front lines”.

FIRE AND FORGET-  at ve unut Indicates a self-guided weapon that does not require the pilots attention after being launched.

FLAK- uçaksavar ateşi Nickname for antiaircraft gunfire. Derived from Fliegabwerkanon, a German WW II antiaircraft gun.

FLANKER- Rus yapımı hava üstünlük uçağı Su-27 nin NATO kodu NATO code name for the Russian Su-27 air superiority fighter.

FLAPERONS- Flap ve aileron la ortak kumada yüzeyleri Control surfaces on the F-22’s wings that allow it to roll about its longitudinal axis.

FLARE- Kullanıldığında bir anda çok yüksek ısı üreten havai fişek benzeri maddeler ısı güdümlü füzeleri aldatmakta kullanılır A pyrotechnic released from an airplane to fool the infrared sensors on heat-seeking missiles.

FLAPS- düşük süratlerde ilave kaldırma kuvveti sağlayan uzatılabilen kanat yapıları Hinged surfaces on the wings of an aircraft used to generate extra lift.

FLOGGER- Rus MiG-27 nin NATO kodu NATO code name for the MiG-27 fighter-bomber.

FLOT- dost birliklerin bulunduğu ön cephe Forward Line of Own Troops. A line behind which friendly forces are operating, and beyond which only enemies roam.

FLY-BY-WIRE-cablo kontrollü uçuş sistemi Computer system that controls the plane based on input from the pilot’s flight stick.

FOB- ileri harekat üssü Forward Operating Base. A temporary base close to the combat zone set up to support flight operations.

FOX 1- AİM-7 atışı için pilot uyarısı Pilot warning of the launch of an AIM-7 Sparrow radar-guided missile.

FOX 2- AİM-9 Sidewinder atılacağını belirten pilot uyarısı Pilot warning of the launch of an AIM-9 Sidewinder heat-seeking missile.

FOX 3- AİM-120 atışı için pilot uyarısı Pilot warning of the launch of an AIM-120 AMRAAM radar-guided missile.

FOXBAT- MiG-25 in NATO kodu NATO code name for the MiG-25 fighter.

FOXHOUND- Rus hava önleme uçağı MiG-31 in NATO kodu NATO code name for the MiG-31 interceptor.

FULCRUM- MiG-29 un NATO kodu NATO code name for the MiG-29 air superiority fighter.

FULL GRUNT- afterburnersiz tam motor gücü güç Full Military Power; throttle setting of 100% thrust.

FUR BALL- muhtelif tipte uçaklardan müteşekkil yaklaşmakta olan saldırı filosu A frantic multiple-aircraft engagement at close ranges.

G- Çekim kuvvetleri sonucu oluşan etki Pressure exerted by gravitational force. Standing on the ground equals 1 G.

G SUIT- yüksek hızda dönüş manevraları sırasında pilotları, kanın bacaklarda göllenmesini önleyerek bayılmaktan koruyan elbise A suit designed to help the pilots counter blackouts during high G maneuvers.

GPS- Uydularla yön ve mesafe bulmaya yarayan sistem Global Positioning System. Satellite-based navigation system that allows a receiver to locate itself within a few meters.

GUARD-radyo frekansını dinlemek Listen to the common radio frequency. You will often be asked to “monitor guard“ to pick up vital information.


HARM- yüksek süratli anti radar füzesi High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile. A missile that tracks a radar emission, and attacks the transmitter.

HAVOC- Mi-28 Rus saldırı helikopterinin NATO kodu NATO code name for the Russian Mi-28 ground-attack helicopter.

HEAT SIGNATURE- ısı güdümlü füzeler için bir uçağın motorunun tarayıcı ekranında bıraktığı iz The image of an aircraft as seen on infrared systems.

HEATER- ısı güdümlü füze Pilot slang for an infrared homing (heat-seeking) missile.

HEADING- uçuş istikameti Direction of flight, in compass degrees. Due east is a heading of 90 degrees.

HELIX- Ka-29 Rus saldırı helikopterinin NATO kodu NATO code name for the Russian Ka-29 light attack helicopter.

HOT- yaklaşmakta lan düşman uçağı Bandit is approaching, or entering the combat zone.

HOTAS- Hands On Throttle and Stick. A modern method of cockpit design, where one does not have to remove one’s hands from the

flight controls to operate other aircraft systems, especially weapons.

HUD- Head-Up Display. Şeffaf bir cama aksettirilen uçuş bilgilerinin bulunduğu baş üstü göstergesi A flight information technique that places most flight and combat information on a transparent panel directly in

front of the pilot.

ILS- aletli iniş sistemi Instrument Landing System. A device that allows aircraft to land safely at night and in low visibility conditions.

INGRESS- girişmek-bir muaharebeye dahil olmak To enter. The route followed to approach a strike target.

IP- başlangıç noktası Initial Point (or Ingress Point)-The map location where a strike package begins its approach to a target.

IR- kızıl ötesi Infrared. A band of radiation just below visible light in frequency. Infrared radiation is associated with heat sources, and so can be used
to track objects with heat signatures.


JDAM- Joint Direct Attack Munition. GBU-31 500 kg lık bomba, GPS sistemi güdümüyle ve karaketli kanatçıkalrıyla hedefi hassa bir doğrulukla vurabilir. The JDAM mates a normal GBU-31 1000-pound bomb, a set of control surfaces, and a GPS receiver to make a weapon capable of striking within a few meters of any selected ground location.

JINKING- düşmanın makineli saldırısından korunmak için yapılan rastgele manevralar A series of erratic maneuvers designed to throw off an enemy gun attack.


KIAS- knots cinsinden göstergedeki hava hızı Knots Indicated Air Speed. The aircraft’s velocity, in nautical miles per hour.

KTS.- saate 1 deniz millik hız (1.8 km) Knots or nautical miles per hour.


LGB- lazer güdümlü bomba Laser Glide Bomb. An LGB glides to its target, like the JDAM, but uses reflected laser energy for guidance instead of the GPS.

LO- az görünürlük Low Observable. An aircraft designed not to reflect radar energy or visible light. Stealthy.

LOCK ON- radarla hedef kitlemek To acquire a target with radar with the intent to fire a weapon.

LZ- iniş bölgesi genellikle helikopterler ve kısa alan performanslı uçaklar için muharebe bölgesinde oluşturlan geçici alan Landing Zone. A temporary landing place, usually for helicopters or short-field aircraft, directly in a combat area.


MACH- deniz seviyesinde ses hızı saniyede 230 metre The speed of sound at sea level. Approximately 760 ft/sec. This value changes with relative air pressure.

MAINSTAY- Rus awacs uçağı A-50 nin NATO kodu name for the Russian A-50u airborne warning aircraft.

MAVERICK- AGM-65 havadan yere füzesinin lakabı Nickname for the AGM-65 air-to-surface missile.

MAYDAY- acil yardım çağrısı fransıcada bana yardım ediniz anlmında An emergency call, from the French m’aidez- “help me.“

MILITARY POWER- 100% motor gücü thrust.

MFD- Çok fonksiyonlu gösterge Multi-Function Display.uçuş-seyir-motor-muharebe bilgilrini gösteren tek ekran Cockpit monitors which the pilot can configure to display a variety of flight, combat, and navigation information.

MSA- asgari emniyet irtifası daha aşağı inilmesi durumunda tehlikeli olan yükseklik Minimum Safe Altitude.Altitude below which you are asking for trouble.

MSL- deniz seviyesinden ölçülmüş yükseklik  Measured From Sea Level.Also referred to as ASL (Above Sea Level)

MUZZLE FLASHES- uçaksavar ateşi AAA fire.

NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed in 1949 for purpose of collective defense against aggression.

NAUTICAL MILE- deniz mili 1800metrelik uzunluk  One-sixtieth of a degree of latitude, measured at the equator, which is one-sixtieth of a degree of longitude, or 2026

yards, or 1.15 miles.

NEGATIVE- rogerin karşıtı olumsuz anlamında A non-affirmative response; no. The opposite of “roger.“

NO JOY- ne görsel ne de radar teması sağlanmış düşman uçağı No visual or radar contact with enemy aircraft. The opposite of “tally-ho!“.

NOE-radara yakalanmamak için yeryüzü kıvrımlarını takip ederek uçmak Nap-of the-Earth flying- Flying as low as possible to avoid radar detection.


OTH- ufuk ötesi füzeyle vurulmak istenen hedeflerin yeryüzü yükseltleri tarafından perdelenmesi Over the Horizon. Usually refers to targets masked by the curve of the earth, or to missiles that can strike such targets.


PADLOCKED-  gözden kaçırırım korkusuyla  gözünü hedeften ayırmamak Being unable to take one’s eyes off a target for fear one will be not be able to find it again.

PICKLE-  muhimmatı-bombayı atmak To release ordnance, as in pickle a bomb.

PIPPER-  yakın silahta tam isabet noktası The small aiming mark in the center of a target reticule. Also referred to as the “death dot“.

PITCH- uçağın yanlamasına ekseni-yunuslama ölçüsü Measure of aircraft motion around its lateral axis. The elevators control pitch.

POP-UP-  bomba bırakış sonrası aniden yükselmek A sudden climb from low altitude, usually as part of the bomb delivery process. Also called popping.

PUNCH OUT- fırlatma-eject Pilot slang for eject.


RADAR- Radio Detection and Ranging.radyo dalgalarıyla bulmak ve mesafe tayini yapmak radar A device which detects objects by bouncing a beam of microwave energy off them, then timing

the return.

RAM- radar sinayalini emici madde Radar Absorbing Material. Materials that reduce the amount of energy reflected from their surface.
RAMMER- radar güdümlü füze Slang term for the AMRAAM radar-guided missile.

RED-OUT- gözlere kan oturması A temporary blindness caused by blood forced into the eyeball by negative-G conditions.

ROE- angajman kaideleri Rules of Engagement. A set of instructions detailing the conditions under which a pilot may engage in combat.

ROGER- evet olumlu Affirmative; yes. A positive comment. The opposite of “negative“.
ROLL- yuvarlanma uçağın uzunlaması ekseni boyunca haraket Measure of aircraft motion around its longitudinal axis. Roll is controlled by the aircraft’s flaperons.

ROOKIE- az uçuş tecrübesine sahip pilot A pilot with very little actual flying experience.

RTB- üsse geri dönün Return to Base. Radio call indicating that the current mission has been aborted, and that all pilots should come home.

RWR- radar ikazı alıcısı Radar Warning Receiver. A device which detects hostile radars.


SADDLED- sabit uçuşta diğer uçaklar arasndaki ilişki In a stable flight relationship alongside another aircraft.

SAM- yerden havaya füze Surface-to-Air Missile. A missile fired from the ground against an air target.

SAR- arama kurtarma Search And Rescue. The process of finding and recovering downed flyers.

SCRAMBLE- uçakların alarm durumunda aniden kakışı A rapid takeoff, usually as the result of an alert or other emergency situation.

SCUD- orta menzilli rus yapımı balistik füze- A medium-range ballistic missile of Russian design. Not very accurate, but cheap.

SEAD- düşman hava savunmasını baskılamak Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. The process of destroying or otherwise degrading an enemy air defense system by means of

strikes directed against radars, SAM sites, and AAA defenses.

SIDEWINDER- AİM9 füzesi Nickname for the AIM-9 missile due to the peculiar back-and-forth motion it makes when tracking a target.

SIGNATURE- Bir uçağın radar ekranında bıraktığı iz The electronic parameters of a radio or radar or heat from an engine.

SILK APPROACH- uçaktan atlamak The act of bailing out of an airplane.

SIX- tam arka Directly to the rear. Check your six to keep from being surprised by enemy fighters sneaking up behind you.

SHACK- atılan bombanın arzu edilen hedefe tam isabet kaydetmesi Pilot slang for a bomb that impacts directly on its intended target.

SLAMMER- AİM120 füzesi Pilot slang for the AIM-120 AMRAAM.

SLICK- uçağın hava sürtünmesini artıracak herhangi bir muhimmat(silah-füze) taşımamamsı Clean or smooth. Refers to an aircraft with no external ordnance or equipment that could create drag or increase its radar cross-section.

SMOKE IN THE AIR- yaklaşamakta olan füze Incoming missiles.

SORTIE- bir saldırı görevi A combat mission.

SPLASH- isabet kaydetmek Indicates an air-to-air kill or weapons impact on a ground target, as in, “splash one MiG“.

STALL- uçağın kanadındaki havanın kaldırma kuvvetini yitirecek şekilde ayrışması The separation of airflow from the upper surface of a wing, resulting in full or partial loss of lift. Aircraft that stall are no longer

flying, they are falling.
STEERPOINT- istikamet rotası The F-22 pilot’s preferred term for a fixed reference point entered into the aircraft’s autopilot and navigational computers.

Also referred to as Waypoint.

STRIKE PACKAGE- bir görev için hazırlanmış muhtelif uçaklardan kurulu grup A group of different aircraft assigned a particular mission.

STRIP- kol uçuşunu bozma Peel off; break from the formation.

SU-34- Rus avcı bombardıman uçağı Russian fighter-bomber.

SU-35- Rusyanın envanterindeki en etkili hava üstünlük savaşçısı olan uçak Russian air-superiority fighter. Most deadly aircraft in the Russian inventory.


TALLY- görsel temas To get a visual sighting of something.

TALLY-HO!- hedefin gözle görüldüğünü doğrulama Confirmed target sighted. Opposite of “no joy“.

TAXI- uçağın yerdeki hareketi To steer an aircraft while it is on the runway.

TRACERS- uçağın makineli top mermilerine sürülmüş fosforlu iz. Atış sonrası mermilerin nereye düştüğünü görerk atışta isabeti kolaylaştırır Cannon or machine gun projectiles with a phosphor coating that ignites on firing, allowing the shooter to follow the path of

the bullets.

TRIPLE-A- uçaksavar topçusu Antiaircraft Artillery; AAA.

TURBULENCE- Violent shaking that occurs when your aircraft approaches its Vmax or encounters conflicting winds.


USAF- United States Air Force.


VC- birbirine yalşaşan iki cisimin yakınlaşma hızı Velocity (closure). Speed at which two objects are approaching one another.

VNE- geçilmesi halinde uçağa zarar verecek olan hız Velocity (never exceed). Speed at which you begin to risk structural damage to the aircraft.

VMAX- belirli bir yükseklikte uçağın ulaşabileceği emniyetli azami hız Velocity (maximum). The maximum safe speed for a particular altitude. An aircraft will experience turbulence as it approaches its Vmax.

VECTOR- doğrultu A direction, expressed in compass degrees; to send someone in a particular direction.

VERTICAL VELOCITY- düşey hız irtifadaki değişim hızı Rate of change in the altitude of an aircraft.

VIPER- F-16 ya pilotlarca takılan lakap engerek anlamında Nickname given by pilots to the F-16.

WATERLINE- suni ufuk göstergesi The artificial horizon line.

WAYPOINT- bir sonraki istikamet noktası Another word for Steerpoint. A fixed reference point entered into the aircraft’s autopilot and navigational computers.

WEAPONS FREE- atış serbest  Freedom to fire weapons within a given airspace.

WEAPONS HOLD- ateşi kesmek The opposite of weapons free. Cease firing or withhold fire.

WINCHESTER- hiç silahı kalmamış uçak An aircraft with no ordnance left; an unarmed fighter.

WINDER- aim-9 füzesi Slang term for the AIM-9 Sidewinder heat-seeking missile.

WINGMAN- can yoldaşı olan uçak genelde savaş uçakları çift uçar Companion plane. Combat fighters usually fly in pairs.

WVR- görüş alan dahilinde Within Visual Range.


YAW- yalpalama, uçağın düşey ekseni boyunca haraket The motion of an aircraft around its vertical axis, controlled by the rudders. A yaw is an inherently unstable flight attitude.

1.Bölüm: Kurulum ve genel bilgi

2.Bölüm: Avionikler ve HUD  

3.Bölüm: Kullanım ve taktikler

5.Bölüm: Bir görev uçuşu özeti ve örnek ses kayıtları
 copyright © 2000-2002 Tayyareci

Editör :   Remzi ÖZTÜRK

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